Basket View Component
A prebuilt basket that uses an HTML table is included.
The table is unstyled and either requires styling within the partial cshtml
file or using CSS.
The cshtml
partial can be found at the following path:
Views -> Partials -> UmbCheckout -> _StripeBasket.cshtml
To be able to use the Basket View Component you will need to add the following to your _ViewImports.cshtml
This will allow you to use the following tag helper:
Alternatively, you can load the View Component without using the tag helper:
Configurable Properties
You can set the following properties
Property | Property Alias | Use | Default Value |
tableCssClass | table-css-class | The CSS class to be added to the <table> tag | null |
productNameColumnText | product-name-column-text | The text shown in the product name column header | Name |
productPriceColumnText | product-price-column-text | The text shown in the product price column header | Price |
quantityColumnText | quantity-column-text | The text shown in the product quantity column header | Quantity |
reduceColumnText | reduce-column-text | The text shown in the product remove column header | Reduce |
increaseColumnText | increase-column-text | The text shown in the product increase column header | Increase |
removeColumnText | remove-column-text | The text shown in the product remove column header | Remove |
reduceButtonCssClass | reduce-button-css-class | The CSS class to be added to the reduce button | null |
reduceButtonText | reduce-button-text | The text shown on the reduce button | - |
increaseButtonCssClass | increase-button-css-class | The CSS class to be added to the increase button | null |
increaseButtonText | increase-button-text | The text shown on the increase button | + |
removeButtonCssClass | remove-button-css-class | The CSS class to be added to the remove ase button | null |
removeButtonText | remove-button-text | The text shown on the remove button | Remove |
emptyBasketText | empty-basket-text | The text shown when the Basket is empty | Your basket is empty! |
subTotalText | sub-total-text | The text shown before the SubTotal | Sub Total: |
formatCurrency | format-currency | The culture to format the SubTotal in | GBP |
subTotalInformationText | sub-total-information-text | The text shown below the SubTotal | Coupons, Shipping and Tax are calculated on the next checkout step |
checkoutButtonCssClass | checkout-button-css-class | The CSS class to be added to the checkout button | null |
checkoutButtonText | checkout-button-text | The text shown on the checkout button | Checkout |
productNameAlias | product-name-alias | The alias which should be used for the product name | null |
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