Configuration Options
There are a number of settings which can be configured within the backoffice on the configuration dashboard found here:
Settings -> UmbCheckout -> Configuration
The configuration options and their possible options are as below:
Success Page URL
Select either a content node or enter an external URL
Cancel Page URL
Select either a content node or enter an external URL
Enable Shipping
True: The shipping rates are passed to the payment provider False: No shipping rates are passed to the payment provider
*Store Basket In a Cookie
True: A cookie is set which stores the users current Basket False: No cookie is set
*Basket Expiry (Cookie)
The number of days in the future the cookie expires (30 by default)
*Store Basket In The Database
True: The users current Basket is stored in the database False: The Basket is not stored
*Basket Expiry (Database)
The maximum number of days the Basket is stored in the database
Features marked with * require a paid license
Last updated