Add to Basket Button View Component
A prebuilt button using a form that adds a product to the Basket.
The table is unstyled and either requires styling within the partial cshtml
file or using CSS.
The cshtml
partial can be found at the following path:
Views -> Partials -> UmbCheckout -> _StripeAddToBasketButton.cshtml
To be able to use the Basket View Component you will need to add the following to your _ViewImports.cshtml
This will allow you to use the following tag helper:
Alternatively, you can load the View Component without using the tag helper:
Configurable Properties
You can set the following properties
Property | Property Alias | Use | Default Value |
product | product | [REQUIRED] The Umbraco product | null |
buttonName | button-name | The text shown on the button | Add to Basket |
buttonCssClass | button-css-class | The CSS class to be added to the button | null |
returnGuid | return-guid | The Guid of the Umbraco page to return to after adding to the Basket | null |
showQuantity | show-quantity | Shows or hides the quantity input | true |
quantityLabel | quantity-label | The text shown above the quantity input | Quantity |
productNameAlias | product-name-alias | The alias which should be used for the product name | null |
inputCssClass | input-css-class | The CSS class added to the input elements | null |
selectCssClass | select-css-class | The CSS class added to the select elements | null |
labelCssClass | label-css-class | The CSS class added to the label elements | null |
formGroupSpacerClass | form-group-spacer-class | The CSS class added to the outer form element Div | null |
variantSelectLabel | variant-select-label | The text shown above the variant select input | null |
Last updated